Legacy Planning Service in Orlando
The Value of Legacy Planning
What Is Legacy Planning?
More and more people want to use their assets to help their loved ones or promote a cause and enjoy the giving process, and legacy planning enables you to do exactly that. Legacy planning is a comprehensive way of looking at your finances now and in the future that ensures your name lives on in the people and causes you care about the most. The process allows you to prepare and plan for gifts after death while you are still living.
Legacy planning takes into account all of the traditional elements of estate planning but goes a bit further than estate planning. The Nelson Financial Planning team can guide you through the basics of how to document your estate plan through wills or power of attorney. In addition, we will discuss and document who is to be trusted to help manage your affairs.
Often, you or your beneficiaries have unique circumstances that require a more customized approach, and this is where legacy planning involves more than money transfers. Legacy planning considers the financial condition and stability of both the donor and the recipient. It focuses on the flexibility to give monetary gifts now, rather than at passing, so you can enjoy the experience of having loved ones benefit today from your wealth rather than after your death. This approach allows you to guide and shape the financial decisions of the next generation while you’re here so that when you pass they can better handle their future inheritance.

Why a Legacy Plan Is Important for Your Family
While estate planning focuses solely on a will and asset transfer, a legacy plan develops a multigenerational family story that includes sentimental and emotional provisions, the joy of giving and sharing today, and a discussion over what you and your family believe in and want to support. Providing support now to an organization allows you to see if your chosen organization will be a good steward of any donation after your passing.
The team at Nelson Financial Planning can help you work with individuals or organizations today and assist in the full implementation of your legacy plan after you pass to protect your memory and wishes.

Avoiding Unnecessary Taxation or Probate
In addition to the emotional value of planning your legacy and giving gifts now, creating a plan with the help of our financial professionals will help you and your loved ones avoid lengthy probate or unnecessary taxation on your assets later. We’ll ensure documentation is in order and take special care that all accounts have properly named beneficiaries so assets can pass without the added cost of probate.
There are also many ways to give financial tax-free gifts to loved ones and charities while you’re able to personally enjoy sharing your assets. This also minimizes taxation on the remainder of your estate.